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Communities of Practice

SPEVI Communities of Practice meet via Zoom.
While most SPEVI Communities of Practice are open to non-members, please consider joining SPEVI if you're not a member yet, to support this important organistion.

SPEVI Community of Practice for Parents and Carers of children/young people with blindness and low vision (Parents CoP)

Open to members and non-members of SPEVI who are Parents or Carers.
Co-facilitators:  Melissa Fanshawe - co-president, SPEVI, and Melinda Whipp, parent volunteer facilitator on the Vision Australia Parent Community (both parents of teenagers with blindness and low vision).
In this Community of Practice we will discuss some key topics about caring for children with blindness and low vision. Future sessions will have guest speakers to address and discuss these topics.
More information about dates and topics of the meetings of the SPEVI Parents CoP
Contact email:

SPEVI Early Intervention VI Community of Practice (EIVI CoP)

Open to members and non-members of SPEVI who work in Early Intervention VI or have an interest in the topic.
Co-facilitators:  Bronwen Scott, Sharon Duncan and Lara Anderson.
When: 4th Thursday of every 2 months.
Contact email:
More information about the meetings of the SPEVI EIVI CoP.

SPEVI Deafblind Education Community of Practice (DB Education CoP).

Details to follow soon.

SPEVI Community of Practice – Online Learning - held during Covid (2020-2021)

Initiated to support specialist teachers (Vision Impairment) as a collective to support students who may be learning at home.
Facilitator: Melissa Fanshawe.