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SPEVI New Zealand presents the Barbara Armitage Award to people who have made a unique contribution to the blind and low vision education sector, particularly in the areas of leadership, innovation and commitment.
Details and a list of proud recipients of the Barbara Armitage Award can be found here.

SPEVI Australia (Inc) may offer Honorary Life Membership to any SPEVI member who, in the opinion of the SPEVI Committee of Management, has made an outstanding contribution to the field of education of persons with vision impairment. SPEVI Special Recognition Awards can also be awarded.
The overview of proud recipients of the Honorary Life Membership or SPEVI Special Recognition Award can be found here.

The SPEVI Australia (Inc) Frances Gentle Award for Innovations in Professional Learning (Early Career and Established Career) was established in 2024, in honour of the incredible contribution to the field of vision education by past SPEVI Inc president Dr Frances Gentle. The Award consists of a bursary and award certificate. SPEVI Inc. will offer the award biennially, commencing in 2025. There will be two award categories: (i) Early Career and (2) Established Career Award. Nominations open 1 August 2024 and close 1 November 2024. Details about the SPEVI Inc Frances Gentle Award can be found here.